spckonline.com will NOT damage your computer!

The now reclaimed spckonline.com

The now reclaimed spckonline.com

Congratulations to SPCK’s Simon Kingston on at last wresting control of spckonline.com from the Brewer brothers: screenshot right.

Under the Brewer’s dire management the site had been allowed to become a haven for… well, whatever it was that caused Google to post warnings and refuse to provide direct links to the site: the message was simple — don’t go there: Google Warns Visitors: Beware spckonline.com

Simon has generously provided a link to thirdspacebooks.com, the Brewers’ current online enterprise. I’m not going to provide a link here though: to say the least, Third Space Books looks as disreputable as everything else we’ve become used to seeing from Phil and Mark Brewer. Visit Ben Gallagher’s Who Owns What? for more info…

My thanks to asingleblog and Stephen for their recent comments (1, 2) drawing my attention to this small but significant step in the right direction by SPCK; and again, congratulations to Simon: keep up the good work!

4 responses to “spckonline.com will NOT damage your computer!

  1. Small but significant step in the right direction. Robert Sutton in his book , The No Asshole Rule says, “if you can’t win the big war against the creeps, start looking for small battles that you can win.

  2. Just an update for you – been holidaying in my home town of Canterbury and went past the SPCK/SSG whatever you want to call it shop. It has a sign on the door saying its open Friday and Saturday from 10am to 4pm and has another sign asking for volunteers. It was closed when I went past so couldn’t go in but there wasn’t a lot of stock on the shelves and obviously couldn’t find out who was running it now. So sad – had a great 3 years there.

  3. When you access the spckonline site the tab at the top of my browser window contains the old SPCK bookshops logo along with the line: SSG bookshops formerly owned and operated by SPCK. A yahoo search for spckonline claims that the site relates to thirdspacebooks. I suspect there are technical issues behind all this which are beyond me – all I mean to point out is that the spckonline site still contains these ‘links’ to SSG which I am sure would be best avoided if technically possible.

  4. >When you access the spckonline site the tab at the top of my browser window contains the old SPCK bookshops logo along with the line: SSG bookshops formerly owned and operated by SPCK.

    Basically – whoever rebuilt the page cocked up their Title tag.

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