Who’s Who?

This is a group blog maintained by a team of writers. Please contact us if you would like to join the team, make suggestions or have any questions about the blog’s admin or structure.

A-Z by surname

Phil Groom

Phil Groom

Phil Groom is the blog’s founder. He’s mean and ugly and… OK, maybe he’s ugly, but he isn’t mean and there’s nothing he’d love more than to Cease and Desist from reporting on the SPCK/SSG situation. But until justice is served for the booksellers whose lives and livelihoods have been wrecked by Philip and Mark Brewer’s mismanagement, he’s determined to stick with it. Read his story here.

David KeenDavid Keen is a Vicar in Yeovil with a brief to start new churches and explore ‘new ways of being church’. Dedicated to bridging the divide between church and society but not quite sure how. He’s been blogging the demise of the former SPCK bookshops since Dave Walker was threatened with libel by Mark Brewer and is the founder of the ‘We Support Dave Walker’ Facebook Group.

Phelim McIntyre is an ex-SPCK/SSG employee who worked as the Assistant Manager at the Chichester branch. He’s responsible for organising meetings and keeping the rest of us in touch with reality.

Matt Wardman iconMatt Wardman is an internet consultant, commentator, freelance writer and Project Manager based in the UK. Matt edits the Wardman Wire — a popular political group blog — and writes at Poligeeks, Total Politics, and occasionally in several other places. He has a particular interest in politics and technology, in internet campaigning, and in free expression.

There are others working away behind the scenes, without whose help we’d be lost. You know who you are: thank you.

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