Tag Archives: Meeting

Fresh Thought About The September Meeting

In what now feels like the distant past I posted on here about a meeting that is being held in September between ex-SPCK/SSG Staff and suppliers/publishers. As I stated at the time no agenda had been set, and boy am I pleased about that.

The aim of the meeting was to see how publishers could:

  1. Help those who have left the chaos that is SSG and are looking at going independent
  2. Utilise the expertise that was SPCK Booksellers (one publisher spoke of not seeing this knowledge wasted).

Recent events, though, have made me think that the meeting may need to add a fresh focus. We have had the tragic death last month of Steve Jeynes, and we have also had the threats of the Brewers towards Dave Walker of Cartoon Church and this blog that led to Dave removing the SPCK/SSG related posts from the Cartoon Church Blog.

These two blogs have been one of the main ways that ex-staff can talk. With what has happened, and is still going on, how can we support each other? As the BT advert with Bob Hoskins said, “It’s good to talk”. How can we go about this? Do email me (Phelim) with your thoughts or if you are coming to the meeting at spckrefugee@operamail.com or post your comments here.