CRE 2010 – will you be there?

Phelim McIntyre writes:

CRE will soon be upon us and it would be good to see those who can make it one or more days. The Tuesday is a FREE retailers/suppliers day – so if you can make it that day your are welcome to come. Book your free ticket here What is better your ticket is valid for all four days.

I will be there on the Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday (oh the joys of being in church leadership meaning one day is not enough).  So if people want to meet up let me know.

I would like to say that we could pop open the champaigne and celebrate the removal of the Brewers and their practices but I am not so sure. Certain parts of the Brewers Grimm’s empire were not taken over by the Charity Commission so like Arnie in the Terminator I have this awful feeling that they “will be back”.  But we can raise a glass to all those people who have kept the story alive and supported the victims of the Brewers from Dave Walker to the Bishop of Salisbury who stepped in to stop the Brewer’s taking over the bookshop at Sarum and Wells theological college to the people at the Church Times to the bloggers to those around the country who have kept us informed of what is going on – you know who you.  During war you can not give honours to intelligence agents and we have been in (and in someways are still in) that situation but that doesn’t stop us drinking to your health.

Phelim McIntyre

6 responses to “CRE 2010 – will you be there?

  1. Good call, Phelim: thanks. I may be there on the Thursday afternoon, possibly on the Friday. Can’t make Retailers’ Day, unfortunately.

  2. Valiant for Truth

    The image of a war is an interesting one and very near the truth! And the war zone continues.

  3. We’ll be there all four days on Stand S89, we don’t have enough man-power to have a separate stand in Tingle Creek just for the retailers so please everyone come and find us. A map and a retail discount voucher can be downloaded from though trade discounts are also offered at better rates.

    Lindisfarne Scriptorium

  4. Valiant for Truth

    My hopes and prayers for both High Leigh and Sandown are for good attendances and a meaningful experience for those attending as the past few years have been pretty dire for the Trade. I also feel the events could be a gauge as to how much recovery there really is.

  5. Phelim McIntyre

    Am back from CRE, didn’t see Phil G – oh well, but saw lots of others. Richard Greatrex (ex-SPCK Bristol now with Wesley Owen), Raymond (ex of SPCK Carlisle and SPCK rep for the North West of England/Scotland and Wales), Barbara (ex-SPCK Chichester) as well as reps from SCM Cant, Hodder, SPCK, Integrity and others. Discussed the state of the shops around the place, the STL situation and other issues. Will look at my notes and write something more substantial.

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